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Welcome to Clark University SPLASH!

Our next Splash event will be on November 17th, 2024!

Splash Spring 2015
Course Catalog

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Arts Humanities
Lunch Science


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A440: Theatrical Scenic Design: A backstage look into creating magic
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Michela Tucci

Ever wonder what goes on before a show opens? Ever wonder how a set is created? In this class we will explore the basics of set design. By looking at basic mechanical and conceptual solutions for theatre, everyone will have the opportunity to put what they have learned into practice by creating your own designs and finally, making a 3D model of your ideas.

A444: How to Succeed in Theater Without Really Trying
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Alyssa Spencer

Want to nail your next audition? Want to get that monologue just right? Then this is the class for you! We will be learning the basics of creating characters and connecting with them through meditations, association, and other forms of method acting.

A445: Beneath the Mask: African Masks and Masquerades
Difficulty: **

Come learn about the masks and masquerades of Africa! We shall travel from Sierra Leone to the Congo and places in between. After seeing examples, you will be able to make your own mask!

A447: The Flow of Television (Grades 5-8)
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Benjamin Sax

In this class we will be watching brief clips of different television shows, and analyzing how they're designed to flow smoothly. This will also include watching advertisements and how they relate to the program. We will discuss sitcoms, sports programs, and dramas.

A448: Creative Writing Workshop: Find Your Voice:

Everyone has a story to tell, come find inspiration to tell yours. Learn helpful skills and tips in crafting your own composition, and thrive in a creative space where you have the freedom to write anything you want.

A449: Slam Poetry Workshop: Find Your Voice
Difficulty: *

Everyone has a story to tell, everyone has their own identity, and everyone has their own unique voice. Come find inspiration to speak out and find your voice through spoken word poetry. Learn helpful skills and tips for crafting your own poems, and thrive in a creative space where you have the freedom to write and present on anything you want.

A457: Art Journaling: Getting to Know Who You Are Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Anna Nguyen

Do you like art and writing? Art Journaling may just be for you then. Keeping an art journal is a special way to express how you feel both visually and verbally. It is a therapeutic process that allows for creativity to flow and it gives you a space to reflect on who you are, what people surround you, and what place you hold in the world.

A460: This is some serious monkey business...seriously
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Herbert Isio

Do you want to build a snowman?
Come on let’s go and play!
Let’s play some improv games
Make up some scenes and laugh our guts away!
Like Frozen? Love to laugh, make all kinds of stuff up like funky, wonky, monkey, orange, oops nothing rhymes with orange kind of characters? Then come have some fun learning some beginner improv games and maybe, just maybe we'll make up something that rhymes with orange.

A467: Glitching 101 Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Zohar Zimmerman

Learn how to make photos look interesting and creative by glitching an image. Learn how to use a simple text editor to change a standard photo file. Please bring flash drives with images from home or that you like from the internet.

A477: Poetry Workshop
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Tess Reichart

Anyone can write poems, you just have to be open to taking risks! Come learn how to form words, write boldly, and express yourself through the art of poetry.

A480: The Flow of Television (Grades 9-12)
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Benjamin Sax

In this class we will be watching brief clips of different television shows, and analyzing how they're designed to flow smoothly. This will also include watching advertisements and how they relate to the program. We will discuss sitcoms, sports programs, and dramas.

A484: I Knit, Therefore I am
Difficulty: **

Come learn how to knit :) We will be teaching how to cast on, knit stitch and purl stitch! Students will have the option to learn or create their own patterns!

A486: The Art and History of Animation
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Grant Henry

From Spirited Away to Frozen, animation is a wide-ranging art-form that touches hearts of all ages around the world. Learn the origins of animation, as well as the techniques required to craft your favorite films. We'll also watch some animated shorts to see the brilliance of animators in action.

A490: ¡Salsa Conmigo! (Salsa with me!)
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Henry Butler

Have you ever wanted to learn how to dance salsa? Well, now is your chance to get a jump start with some beginner lessons on the technique and style of this exciting dance. Taught by members of Clark's own Salsa team, you will learn from passionate individuals about this incredible Latin dance. So, grab a friend or two and sign up for the class that will leave you dancing down the street!


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H410: Write a Parody Song!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ethan Goldstein

Embrace your inner Weird Al!

Parody songs are songs that take existing music but add new and humorous lyrics, often to mock the original. In this class, we'll learn the basics of lyrics writing (rhyming, meter, scansion, etc.) by voting on a popular song and writing a parody of it.

H416: Seeing Is Believing - Or Is It? The Psychology of Optical Illusions
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Corey Bernstein

Your eyes and brain are constantly working together to help interpret the world around you. But what happens when what you see and what you think you see don't match up? We'll explore the neurological and psychological reasons behind various types of optical illusions and see how our eyes and brain can play tricks on us. We will also discuss brain processes related to attention and memory.

H417: How to get to Congress and Stay There, 101
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Benjamin Roberts

Ever wonder what drives congressional elections in the United States? Curious what gets people elected to congress and what keeps them there?
In this course we'll be learning about the multifaceted nature of Congressional Campaigns and Elections from a ground up approach to see what really drives our nations congressional elections.

Here's an article where I was grossly and repeatedly misquoted in an interview about the class when I taught it last year:

H418: Intro To Political Philosophy
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Benjamin Roberts

From Ancient Times to Modern Times - come learn about the major political thought, theory, and philosophy which has driven "western" politics for millennia.
This is an intro course and will be covering the major brush strokes of what these great political minds have pontificated and pondered. No prior knowledge necessary!
In this course we will be covering political theories spanning from the Ancient times to the Modern times covering material from:
Socrates and Plato for the ancient's approach to government and the perfect society.
Cormac the last High King of Ireland and Machiavelli for a look at how to make a great leader.
Hobbes and Locke for the inquest into the State of Nature and laying the foundations for Realism and Liberalism.

H419: Attachment Theory: The Key to Successful Romantic Relationships
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Holly Rosen

Why do some couples find it easier to communicate than other couples? Why is it that some partners get along without much effort whereas other partners clash despite shared views and similarities? Why is it that some people keep choosing the same unsuccessful partners over and over again? In this seminar, we will explore the art of Attachment Theory, an ideology researched extensively since the 1950's. After this class, many answers to your lingering relationship questions and struggles will hopefully be revealed.

H420: Who Are You and What Do You Want From Life?
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Holly Rosen

Who are you and what makes you different or similar to the person sitting next to you? What are your main goals and fears in life? When are you at your best and worst self? In this seminar, we will explore your individual personality through a longstanding scientifically studied model called the Enneagram. You will understand your identity and internal motivations more after receiving this two hour instruction.

H424: Debunking myths surrounding mental illness
Difficulty: *

Most mentally ill people lead normal lives with modern medicine. Nonetheless stigma and negative associations are commonplace. In this class we will learn the stereotypes and why they are false and why those with a mental illness should be treated fairly.

H427: Native American Heritage
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Melissa Miller

Ever wonder about the history before the United States was founded? Who help found Thanksgiving? What happened during that time and who were the people that originally inhabited North America. This class teaches basic information (including cultural background, history, and current events) about Native Americans in North America and why they are important. Why should we know about them and what do they have to offer us?

H428: The World of Books: From Graphic Novels to Poetry
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Madhubanti Anashua

This class will introduce you to the wide world of literature, which is certainly not limited to classics. From comic books to poetry, we discuss everything book-related in this class! The session will be followed by a creative writing activity that is optional.

H432: World War II
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Jitske Grift

How did the world get into such a big war? How did Hitler gain power in Germany? How did it end? These are things we will talk about, and hopefully in the end, these are questions we have answers to.

H433: Terrorist vs. Freedom Fighter
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Anthony Jreije

Studying the Distinctions between terrorists and freedom fighters througout history dating all the way to contemporary times.

H435: Blood, Sweat, Tears....and Bananas
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Brenna Robeson

Have you ever wondered where your bananas originated from and how they get to your kitchen? This course will look at the exploitation of South American natives in the name of the bananas. Learn about the different ways in which this basic fruit gets to you and how bananas mirror the global production and distribution of other fruits.
PS: We will be serving bananas!

H439: Debunking History: A Look into the Common Misconceptions and Misnomers of History
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Rachel Christ

Who really discovered America? Did George Washington really chop down a cherry tree? How tall was Napoleon? This course will look at the many historical misconceptions commonly accepted as fact in historical education today. We will explore how to critically examine a historical education, and go through a historical timeline while setting straight some of the most famous errors history textbooks today still present as fact. We will be looking at the ways in which you as a student can examine your own education and criticize the black and white way textbooks present a history that is comprised of many colors.

H451: The Illuminati: In Secrecy & In Truth
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Alex Bailey

Does Nicki Minaj rule the world? Are Jay-Z and Beyoncé an actual power couple? Is Rihanna after world domination? Why are so many famous people that we have come to know and love associated with a "secret cult"? The Illuminati was once feared, and now it is feared again today. We will explore what the Illuminati stood for in the late 18th century, what caused their suppression, and why they are believed to be alive today. We will also examine why common celebrities are linked to this secret society, and what we, as part of the larger society, should do.

H452: U.S. Presidents: The Good & The Bad
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Alex Bailey

There have been 44 presidents of the United States, from the very first, George Washington, to the current president, Barack Obama. Bot who is considered the best and the worst presidents the united States has ever had? More importantly, WHY are they considered the best and worst? We will briefly look at the biggest accomplishments of the more notable presidents in U.S. history and decide where they place in the record books as either the best or the worst.

H461: Myth VS Fact: Popular Myths Debunked by Psychology
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Despoina Lioliou

Do opposites attract? Are people either left-brained or right-brained? Do we only use 10% of our brains? Can subliminal messages persuade people? Does hypnosis work?

We will look at examples of psychology myths from movies and popular media. In this class, we will evaluate and "debunk" these myths and more!

As one of the most popular and highly rated classes of SPLASH, This class is very INTERACTIVE: students split into teams, perform class activities, play games, and get rewarded if their teams win!

H463: The Art of Public Speaking: how to persuade, motivate, and inspire.
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Thomas Rhalter

We've all been there. Stuck in a room listening to the guest speaker who doesn't know when to stop, the teacher who doesn't realize he isn't interesting, the principle who thinks she's hilarious but isn't. Few things in life are more excruciating than having to sit through a speech by a bad public speaker. So it's little wonder that Americans are more scared of public speaking than anything else (including flying, spiders, and flying spiders).

But it doesn't have to be that way for you. Few things are more enjoyable or more thrilling than truly capturing a crowd's attention, not a single daydreamer or casual cellphone checker to be seen. Nothing beats listening to the silence so complete you could hear a pin drop as they hang on your every word. Or the roar of a standing ovation.

This scenario is not just the stuff of idle fantasy. Public speaking is a skill that anyone can learn and refine, not an unattainable talent that other people are born with. So come! Join us for a magical hour during which the surprisingly simple secrets of public speaking will be revealed. No previous experience required.

H465: Democrat or Republican: The Class About Parties Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Megan Baker

Left or right, liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican? What? If you have ever wondered what these words mean, how they relate, and what they mean in terms of voting and politics, take this class! We'll talk about what political parties do, what a political spectrum is, and how all these things work together to compose our government.

H466: How to: Vote!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Megan Baker

How do you vote? By candidate or party? Where? Why do I have to register? In this class, we'll talk about the logistics of voting, and how to possibly be an informed voter without having a doctorate in political science.

H472: Law and Order: Splash Victims Unit
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Emily Art

Interested in learning the rules and ropes of mock trial? Want to improve your arguing and oratory skills? Come learn about what mock trial is! We will teach you how to deliver an opening and closing argument as well as how to conduct a direct and cross examination. This is a great chance to practice public speaking skills in a fun and stress free environment. Come check it out!

H485: Generating Gender: The roles we play
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Raquel Doucette

What is gender? What is feminine, what is masculine, and who decides? How does being a guy, a girl, or neither affect your everyday life? And how do these identities intersect with others, like race, class, and sexual orientation? We will discuss our ideas about and experiences with gender, and brainstorm some solutions to problems related to gender.

H488: Global Creation Myths Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Emma Berman

In this class, we will examine creation myths (myths that explain how the earth came to be) from different parts of the world. We will discuss their significance as markers of different cultures. What do these myths have in common, and in what contexts do they differ? How do these commonalities and differences say about the human condition? Come join us and we can find out together!

H475: A Shining City Upon a Hill: the Dark Side of American Domestic Policy
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Benjamin Berman

"American history is longer, larger, more various, more beautiful, and more terrible than anything anyone has ever said about it.”-James Baldwin. This class will focus on the "terrible" parts of American history. We will briefly review several controversial events and actions of the American government on US soil, from slavery to civil liberties in the age of the War on Terror, and will then discuss and debate with each other several questions relating to these topics. Some think that though our government has done wrong things in the past, we no longer engage such cruel behavior. Others think that America's past is innocent and wonderful, but that today, our policies are more cruel than they have been in the past. Can we still call ourselves the "land of the free and home of the brave?" What can we do to make up for America's past cruelties? And most importantly, how do we bring an end to those being committed right now?
Warning: some disturbing photographs of war and violence will be seen.


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L408: Lunch Period
Difficulty: None

Enjoy a break for lunch with your friends! Please register for at least one lunch period on each day of the program.


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S414: Survival of the Fittest - Fun with Darwin's Finches Full!
Difficulty: **

Become one of Darwin's finches and strive to keep you and your offspring (children) alive. You will use your beak (pliers) to bring enough food energy back to your nest, competing against all of the others in your community (classmates). See how variation (different types) of beaks and the changing environment affects success!
You will see learn the concepts of natural selection and evolution with this interactive activity.

S415: Survival of the Fittest - Fun with Darwin's Finches
Difficulty: **

Become one of Darwin's finches and strive to keep you and your offspring (children) alive. You will use your beak (pliers) to bring enough food energy back to your nest, competing against all of the others in your community (classmates). See how variation (different types) of beaks and the changing environment affects success!
You will see learn the concepts of natural selection and evolution with this interactive activity.

S426: Environment Science 101 (Grades 5-8)
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Melissa Miller

Introduction to topics in Environmental Science including GIS, Water Test sampling etc. Job opportunities in this field and why you should care about and pursue this field

No prerequisitie is required, but knowing a bit of background in chemistry, biology or/and physics is optional

S430: Programming 101
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Mishel Sikder

This class will walk you through JavaScript/Java and introduce you to the fascinating world of computer science. Come teach Alice talk to her rabbit using the magic of programming (or learn to make other animated characters come to life)!

S437: Napping 101
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Mitchell Dumke

Sleep is a beautiful thing, and one of the most important aspects of our lives. In this class, we will look at how the sleep cycle works, what determines how much sleep you need, and the significance of dreams.

S442: Mathematical Magic
Difficulty: ***

Watch us perform mind boggling card tricks and then learn the combinatorics and probability principles that not only drive our magic, but have far reaching applications such as DNA sequencing and Robotic Vision!

S455: Imaging Atoms Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Michael Boyer

Have you ever wondered how you can image the atomic structure of materials? In this class you will learn how one basic concept of quantum mechanics allowed for the development of a state-of-the-art experimental technique, scanning tunneling microscopy, to do just this. This class will include a demonstration of Clark’s scanning tunneling microscope.

S473: Silly Putty Chemistry (Grades 5-8) Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Penelope Farris

Did you ever play with silly putty as a child? Do you still play with now? Come to this class to make your own putty, while learning about the fun and interesting chemistry behind it!

S474: Silly Putty Chemistry (Grades 9-12) Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Penelope Farris

Did you ever play with silly putty as a child? Do you still play with now? Come to this class to make your own putty, while learning about the fun and interesting chemistry behind it!

S482: Exploring the Possibility of Alien Life
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Victoria Ortiz

Are we alone in the universe? This question has been pondered for thousands of years, but these days science is making the possibility of discovering non-Terran life ever more possible. Learn what and how scientists are looking both within our solar system and beyond.

S483: Environment Science 101 (Grades 9-12)
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Melissa Miller

Introduction to topics in Environmental Science including GIS, Water Test sampling etc. Job opportunities in this field and why you should care about and pursue this field

No prerequisitie is required, but knowing a bit of background in chemistry, biology or/and physics is optional


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X412: Building Your High School Resume
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Alexander Norton

Before you know it, you will be a senior and it will be time to start filling out college applications. Will you remember what activities you did your freshman and sophomore years?

Learn why it is important to keep track of all your activities, awards, clubs, jobs, sports, etc. from the summer before high school until the day you start applying to college.

Learn how your resume can show colleges demonstrated interest in your particular field(s) of interest, giving you an edge over other applicants.

This class is geared to students in 8th - 11th grade - remember, the summer before you start high school counts!

X413: How to Graduate from College in less than 4 years!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Alexander Norton

College costs continue to rise, making it even more important to graduate in a timely manner. How awesome would it be if you could graduate in less than 4 years - potentially saving thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars?

I will be graduating in May - an entire year ahead of schedule - and am happy to share how you can do this too!

X422: Quidditch (Grades 5-8)
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Benjamin Fine

Can mere muggles handle a true wizards' game?

Come and join Clark University's Quidditch team (The Ravenclarks) to learn how to play Quidditch! This will be active and outside.

Choose your position: Seeker, Chaser, Beater, or Keeper and bring your team to victory. We have all the equipment and will have a full game after we teach the rules.

X423: Fortune telling, how is it done?
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Nicole Dube

We have all heard of fortune tellers with crystal balls, but how much is based in fact and how much is fiction? In this class we will be using more than just crystals, as real fortune tellers use many tools. We will use mirrors, crystal balls, water, ink, tarots, runes, and possibly a plant or tree. In this class, we will learn how to see images in these mediums and decide for ourselves what parts of divination and fortune telling are real or not. By doing this, we can all gain better connections to our imaginations and perhaps to the supernatural.

X425: People with Disabilities: Why and How to Get Involved
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Melissa Miller

In this course, we will discuss the different types of disabilities (mainly on the topic of mental disabilities like Autism, Down syndrome etc.) and touch base on physical disabilities. I will also talk about how to get involved and raise awareness to help these people, as well as the many reasons for doing so.

No prerequisites are required. The course is open to anyone and everyone. If anyone has experience with disabled people, please come and share your ideas.

X431: Fix-a-Flat (Bicycles)
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Simon Elliott

Cycles of Change will engage in teaching the community basic bike maintenance skills. This includes, but is not limited to, replacing tubes, patching tubes, inflating tires, tightening breaks, etc.

X436: Personal Finance
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Alex Caro

Want to learn how to manage your finances? Thinking about getting your first credit card? Want to start investing? Come learn some of the basics!

X438: Faces of Confidence Full!

Arts and Crafts and Reflection class for students to explore issues of self-confidence and promote positive self-image through group activities and a mask-making art project

X441: Yoga for All Levels Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Savannah Cooley

Come enjoy an hour of yoga. We will explore the connection between the mind, body and spirit through focusing on the breath. Yoga mats will be provided.

X443: The Majestic Ostrich
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Herbert James

Have you heard of the Ostrich? Want to know more about Ostrich? Or why I am even teaching this class? Then register! Learn about the historical, biological, and popular cultural perspectives of the Ostrich, and know why it is truly the greatest land animal in all of existence.

X446: ¿Qué pasa tío? (Sup, dude?) - Translating Greetings/Questions to Spanish Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Benjamin Sax

This course is an introduction for common Spanish phrases/questions that can be used on a regular basis with Spanish speakers. For example, we will be translating greetings/questions such as "Hello". "How are you?" "How much does this cost?" "See you later!" "Where is the library?" etc.


X450: College Made Easier: Useful Studying Techniques for High School
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Alex Bailey

College tests aren't like those in high school, but imagine how well you could do on your tests by learning how to study for college exams! Learn useful studying techniques that many college students across the country have that earn themselves A's, and utilize this new knowledge in the high school classroom setting. Show your teachers you are ready for college!

X453: Saving Lives and Taking Names: Basic First Aid 101
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Kyle Waites

This course will combine both lecture and hands on demonstrations of basic first aid that can be used in medical emergencies. Taught by the trained EMT's and First Responders of Clark University EMS. This class is tailored to teach the average person to react to medical emergencies. All levels and interest are welcome to attend.The idea of this course is anyone should be able to learn the material. The hands on part will give more specialized age appropriate information.

X454: Broadcasting 101: Create Your Own Radio Show Full!
Difficulty: *

Join two Radio Of Clark University (ROCU) DJs to learn the basics of hosting a Radio Show. You'll get a behind the scenes look and introduction to the real Radio Studio as well as the opportunity to brainstorm and create your own radio show!

X456: Ultimate Frisbee (Grades 5-8) Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Calder Sett

Have you ever played ultimate Frisbee? Maybe you've just thrown a frisbee around with your friends? Even if you haven't, come learn the basics of a great upcoming sport that is fun for everyone. Who knows, maybe you'll want to join a team afterwards.

X458: Quidditch (Grades 9-12)
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Benjamin Fine

Can mere muggles handle a true wizards' game?

Come and join Clark University's Quidditch team (The Ravenclarks) to learn how to play Quidditch! This will be active and outside.

Choose your position: Seeker, Chaser, Beater, or Keeper and bring your team to victory. We have all the equipment and will have a full game after we teach the rules.

X459: Ultimate Frisbee (Grades 9-12)
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Calder Sett

Have you ever played ultimate Frisbee? Maybe you've just thrown a frisbee around with your friends? Even if you haven't, come learn the basics of a great upcoming sport that is fun for everyone. Who knows, maybe you'll want to join a team afterwards.

X462: From Local to Global: Health Issues Around the World
Difficulty: **

Global Health is an issue that concerns everyone. It ranges from learning about the access to safe drinking water everywhere, to researching the best way to help children get the access they need to medications, or to volunteering in health clinics around the world to make a difference in peoples lives. This SPLASH course will talk about the different aspects of Global Health and introduce you to the small steps everyone can make to contribute to making health care available to everyone. Learn more about a medical brigade available to Clark students!

X468: World Changer's Think Tank
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Yoo Eun Kim

Keep your coins; I want CHANGE!

Are you interested in starting your own community service project? If you want to design and implement a project that maximizes impact for your school or community, attend World Changer's Think Tank (WCTT)! WCTT has been presented in leadership and service conventions throughout the United States and will cover the following topics: brainstorming ideas, budgeting, delegating, advertising, executing, and building on your results.

What are you waiting for? Be a World Changer!

X470: Learn to Play Chess (Grades 5-8) Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: William Staso

Have you ever wondered how to play one of the oldest and greatest games ever created ... Chess? Take this class and learn how to play the game and some basic strategies.

X471: Learn to Play Chess (Grades 9-12)
Difficulty: *
Teachers: William Staso

Have you ever wondered how to play one of the oldest and greatest games ever created ... Chess? Take this class and learn how to play the game and some basic strategies.

X476: Oiligarchy: Drill, Baby, Drill!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Benjamin Berman

Have you ever wanted to destroy the environment, aggrandize your own industrial empire, corrupt governments, and exploit other nations? Well now you can through the online simulation game "Oiligarchy"! We will have a discussion after playing the game in which we will try to better understand the complexity (or simplicity?) of oil politics, coming to our own conclusions and voicing our own opinions. Do not be afraid to take this class even if you know nothing at all about oil and politics--we all have a little tycoon in us! Don't try to understand it, just use it while we have it.

You can go through the tutorial and play around with the game at this link, though we will go over the tutorial again at the beginning of the class:

X478: Trans 101
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Pi Fong

Come learn about transgender identities, what it means to be transgender, how language impacts transgender identities and how to be a better ally to trans people. No existing knowledge about the trans community is required!

X481: Onomatopoeia Round the World
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Victoria Ortiz

Boom, Whoosh, or Meow are onomatopoeias in English, but what are their equivalents around the world? We will learn about the linguistic background of onomatopoeia both in English and in select world languages that employ it very differently.

X487: Telling Secrets: Code Making (and Breaking) Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Megan Belzner

Suppose you want to tell your friend something, but you don't want anyone else to hear it too. How do you do it? Sometimes, it's harder than it sounds. We'll try out some codes and ciphers from throughout history, and learn how they've been broken by computational power and sheer smarts.

X493: LGBTQ Identities: Labeling 101
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Aaron Sabot

What does it mean to be "queer"? Can someone be bisexual but only date men? What's the difference between "gender identity" and "gender expression"? Come learn about the huge variety of identities that make up the LGBTQ community and the pros and cons of assigning them labels. You don't need to be LGBTQ to come; all are welcome!