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Welcome to Clark University SPLASH!

Our next Splash event will be on April 13th, 2025!

ESP Biography


Major: Physics - Faculty

College/Employer: Clark

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Michael Boyer

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S1019: Imaging Atoms in Splash Fall 2019 (Nov. 10, 2019)
Have you ever wondered how you can image the atomic structure of materials? In this class you will learn how one basic concept of quantum mechanics allowed for the development of a state-of-the-art experimental technique, scanning tunneling microscopy, to do just this. This class will include a demonstration of Clark’s scanning tunneling microscope.

S977: Imaging Atoms in Splash Spring 2019 (Mar. 31, 2019)
Have you ever wondered how you can image the atomic structure of materials? In this class you will learn how one basic concept of quantum mechanics allowed for the development of a state-of-the-art experimental technique, scanning tunneling microscopy, to do just this. This class will include a demonstration of Clark’s scanning tunneling microscope.

S948: Imaging Atoms in Splash Fall 2018 (Nov. 04, 2018)
Have you ever wondered how you can image the atomic structure of materials? In this class you will learn how one basic concept of quantum mechanics allowed for the development of a state-of-the-art experimental technique, scanning tunneling microscopy, to do just this. This class will include a demonstration of Clark’s scanning tunneling microscope.

S878: Imaging Atoms in Splash Fall 2017 (Nov. 19, 2017)
Have you ever wondered how you can image the atomic structure of materials? In this class you will learn how one basic concept of quantum mechanics allowed for the development of a state-of-the-art experimental technique, scanning tunneling microscopy, to do just this. This class will include a demonstration of Clark’s scanning tunneling microscope.

S819: Imaging Atoms in Splash Spring 2017 (Apr. 02, 2017)
Have you ever wondered how you can image the atomic structure of materials? In this class you will learn how one basic concept of quantum mechanics allowed for the development of a state-of-the-art experimental technique, scanning tunneling microscopy, to do just this. This class will include a demonstration of Clark’s scanning tunneling microscope.

S736: Imaging Atoms in Splash Fall 2016 (Nov. 13, 2016)
Have you ever wondered how you can image the atomic structure of materials? In this class you will learn how one basic concept of quantum mechanics allowed for the development of a state-of-the-art experimental technique, scanning tunneling microscopy, to do just this. This class will include a demonstration of Clark’s scanning tunneling microscope.

S541: Imaging Atoms in Splash Fall 2015 (Nov. 15, 2015)
Have you ever wondered how you can image the atomic structure of materials? In this class you will learn how one basic concept of quantum mechanics allowed for the development of a state-of-the-art experimental technique, scanning tunneling microscopy, to do just this. This class will include a demonstration of Clark’s scanning tunneling microscope.

S455: Imaging Atoms in Splash Spring 2015 (Apr. 25, 2015)
Have you ever wondered how you can image the atomic structure of materials? In this class you will learn how one basic concept of quantum mechanics allowed for the development of a state-of-the-art experimental technique, scanning tunneling microscopy, to do just this. This class will include a demonstration of Clark’s scanning tunneling microscope.

S321: Imaging Atoms in Splash Fall 2014 (Nov. 16, 2014)
Have you ever wondered how you can image the atomic structure of materials? In this class you will learn how one basic concept of quantum mechanics allowed for the development of a state-of-the-art experimental technique, scanning tunneling microscopy, to do just this. This class will include a demonstration of Clark’s scanning tunneling microscope.

S267: Imaging Atoms in Splash Spring 2014 (Apr. 13, 2014)
Have you ever wondered how you can image the atomic structure of materials? In this class you will learn how one basic concept of quantum mechanics allowed for the development of a state-of-the-art experimental technique, scanning tunneling microscopy, to do just this. This class will include a demonstration of Clark’s scanning tunneling microscope.

S200: Imaging Atoms in Splash Fall 2013 (Nov. 16, 2013)
Have you ever wondered how you can image the atomic structure of materials? In this class you will learn how one basic concept of quantum mechanics allowed for the development of a state-of-the-art experimental technique, scanning tunneling microscopy, to do just this. This class will include a demonstration of Clark’s scanning tunneling microscope.

S136: Imaging Atoms in Splash Spring 2013 (Apr. 20, 2013)
Have you ever wondered how you can image the atomic structure of materials? In this class you will learn how one basic concept of quantum mechanics allowed for the development of a state-of-the-art experimental technique, scanning tunneling microscopy, to do just this. This class will include a demonstration of Clark’s scanning tunneling microscope.

S72: Imaging Atoms in Splash Fall 12 (Nov. 10, 2012)
Have you ever wondered how you can image the atomic structure of materials? In this class you will learn how one basic concept of quantum mechanics allowed for the development of a state-of-the-art experimental technique, scanning tunneling microscopy, to do just this. This class will include a demonstration of Clark’s newly acquired scanning tunneling microscope.

S27: Imaging Atoms in Splash Spring 2012 (Apr. 21, 2012)
Have you ever wondered how you can image the atomic structure of materials? In this class you will learn how one basic concept of quantum mechanics allowed for the development of a state-of-the-art experimental technique, scanning tunneling microscopy, to do just this. This class will include a demonstration of Clark’s newly acquired scanning tunneling microscope.