Clark University Educational Studies Program
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Welcome to Clark University SPLASH!

Our next Splash event will be on April 13th, 2025!

Splash Fall 2018
Course Catalog

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Arts Humanities
Lunch Science


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A936: Pen and Pixel: The History and Impact of Webcomics
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Riley Smith

Come and learn the history of comics and the web: How are they inspired by physical comics? How do they embrace what can only be done digitally? Where are they going from here?

A937: Law and Order: Splash Victims Unit
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Andrew Brown

In this class, we will be focusing on a famous, long-running, crime drama t.v. show: Law and Order: SVU. The class will consist of short clips from the series. We will then analyze the show and their characters from both a writer and viewers' perspective to discuss character development and how this show relates to our life.

*Previous knowledge of Law and Order: SVU will be helpful for this class

A940: Identity Through Art
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Julia Schroeder

Join us in exploring your identity and how you connect with society! We will play some fun games, draw murals of what culture means to us, and make collages about our identities. You'll have the opportunity to consider and share how your race, ethnicity, culture, religion, gender, and overall background intersect with who you are!

A952: Create-a-Character Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Sydney Sherman

Create! Imagine! Dare to explore your mind for a treasure trove of amazing characters yet to be known!! Think about your favorite characters in movies, books, and television!!!

A955: Clark Keys: A Cappella Workshop
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Emily Vincent

Do you like to sing? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in an A Cappella music group! Well here is your chance! Come join the Clark Keys in our A Cappella workshop and learn a song with the group!!

A957: Popular Culture: Why it Matters
Difficulty: **

We love to watch movies, listen to music, and read articles about our favorite celebrities and popular artists. What does these things say about us? Why do they matter?

A958: World Building: Creating Our Imagination
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Madison Graham

Have you ever wondered how famous authors, video game designers, or directors create the fantastical worlds we see in our books or on screen?
This is the class that is going to teach you how to do just that- create your own world!

A960: Story Through Art: Creating Autobiographical Comics Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Savannah Dube

Do you like comics? How about telling stories? Come learn about autobiographical comics, and tell your stories by drawing yourself! We will be looking at the work of various artists, and making our own comics about our thoughts and experiences.

A963: Vinyasa Yoga
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Melanie Adams

A fun yoga class for all ability levels. No experience neccesary!

A950: How to Make Pop Music Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jacob Strock

Want to make some music but have no idea where to start? In this class, we'll explore (on a ukulele) what the most basic chords can do to create music, as well as how these same chords are already being used in modern pop music. We might even write a song!
While the course would be taught on a ukulele, the concepts of this class can be applied to any instrument! Everyone is encouraged to join even if they don't know how to play ukulele.


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H935: Politics in Massachusetts: From Worcester to Boston
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Cory Bisbee

Politics is a competition to decide who gets what, when, and how. This class will teach you how that competition plays out in Massachusetts at the local, state, and federal levels. You'll learn the answers to questions like:
1. How does Worcester's local government work? And what does it do?
2. What really happens during the law-making process on Beacon Hill?
3. If Massachusetts is a blue state, why do we have a Republican governor?
4. What does it take to run a successful campaign for public office?
5. Who are the key political figures in Massachusetts today?
6. How is Massachusetts politics changing? And where is it headed in the future?

H947: Know Your Rights! Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Joanna Hamilton

Just because you have free speech doesn't mean your teachers can't tell you not to swear at school...but why? Find out! This is your chance to learn the basics of your rights and what happens if someone violates them.

H953: Getting Psyched Out By Popular Myths Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Lamarre Edouard

Have you ever wondered if there's any truth to "people only use 10% of their brain" or "hypnosis only works on some people"? Join Clark University's Undergraduate Psychology Committee as we tackle popular psychological myths like these and more that have prevailed for years. This session will leave you questioning and reimagining how many myths in society have come to be!

H954: Destigmatize Mental Health in Films Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Lamarre Edouard

Media has made significant efforts to continue the stigmatization of individuals with mental health challenges as less than important and undervalued in society. While some films make valiant strides in changing popular narratives, there is still few accurate portrayals. Join Clark University's Undergraduate Psychology Committee as we address the ways mental health has been portrayed in popular Hollywood films and attempt to destigmatize the illness.

H956: Our Social World: How Do I Fit In?
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Marin Smith

Every person fits into our world in a different way, because we are all unique people! Have you ever wondered what factors shape who you are? How do things like school, the news, movies, music, your parents, friends, and personal identity shape your life? And why does it matter? In this class, presented to you by the Sociology Society of Clark, we will begin to discuss these questions, the problems they present, and how to use our answers in our lives, and in the world. This class will be a brief introduction to sociology ideas including social justice and our concept of self! (No prior knowledge of sociology is required!)


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L964: Lunch
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Sean Rice



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S942: Clark University Rapid Response: Saving Lives and Taking Names
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jazelle Pilato

A class to help learn about the basics of first aid from clark's emergency medical team. Learn about what to do in certain instances were you may need first aid and learn what it takes to be a first responder!

S943: Clark University Rapid Response: Saving Lives and Taking Names Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jazelle Pilato

A class to help learn about the basics of first aid from clark's emergency medical team. Learn about what to do in certain instances were you may need first aid and learn what it takes to be a first responder!

S944: STEM Majors 101
Difficulty: *

Join Clark's Women in STEM to learn about what it is like to major in a STEM field (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). Ask questions about college life and all the different jobs you can get after college with a STEM degree! Everyone is welcome!

S945: It’s a Liquid… it’s a Solid... it’s Oobleck! Full!

Is it a liquid? Is it a solid? No, IT'S OOBLECK! Clark's Women in STEM is excited to teach this popular class again in which students will learn about the physics and chemistry behind oobleck - a slimy, goopy substance. Additionally, students will make their own oobleck in their chosen color! Join us for some fun science!

an excitement to learn!

S948: Imaging Atoms Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Michael Boyer

Have you ever wondered how you can image the atomic structure of materials? In this class you will learn how one basic concept of quantum mechanics allowed for the development of a state-of-the-art experimental technique, scanning tunneling microscopy, to do just this. This class will include a demonstration of Clark’s scanning tunneling microscope.


S951: The Perfect Storm Full!
Difficulty: *

Have you ever wondered what makes the perfect storm? Come join Clark's Women in STEM as we explore the workings of storms, weather, and climate. And the best part is...? There will be a hands on portion where you will learn to make a tornado in a bottle! See you there, young scientists!

an excitement for learning!

S961: Forensics: Find Out What Really Happened Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Nicole Minghella

Have you ever watched TV shows like CSI or NCIS and wondered how these crimes are actually solved? If you are curious about the science and techniques that are involved with solving crimes, then this forensics class is the one for you! We will be discussing different forensic techniques and fields of study such as blood splatter analysis, PCR, the use of microsatellites, and more!


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X939: Riddles 101
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Nathan Kapiloff

Do like solving riddles? Do you like stumping your friends with difficult, logic based questions? Sign up for riddles 101 to learn the basics behind solving riddles. Throughout this course, you will try to solve riddles of varied difficulty. Plus, you will be introduced to a website to continue solving riddles after the session.

X941: Overcoming Physical and Mental Challenges
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Jack McPadden

Have you ever wanted to learn about physical and mental challenges that many people face and how they adapt to them to lead successful and rewarding lives? Presented by a student who is completely blind, this inspirational and interactive class will focus on how people who are blind, deaf, and wheel-chair bound and who suffer from anxiety and depression can use their strengths to overcome challenges and obstacles in life. Even if you don't face these same challenges, this class will provide you with tools and strategies to remain on a positive and meaningful life track, regardless of what difficulties you may face and need to overcome in order to personally achieve your greatest potential and to succeed in life.

X949: Brooms Up: Intro to Quidditch Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Elizabeth Lohr

Come join Clark University's very own Quidditch team and learn about our sport! Inspired by the sport in the Harry Potter series, Muggle Quidditch was created 11 years ago and is played around the world. We will learn the rules of the game, do some drills, and then play a match in this hour-long workshop.

Quidditch is an all-weather sport that will be held outside. Please wear comfortable running shoes, weather-appropriate clothes you can run in, and bring water. We will provide all necessary equipment (including brooms!)

See you there!

X959: Astrology! What's real and what's bogus! Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sean Rice

Come learn all about what astrology really is and is not. We talk about the zodiac signs themselves (based on your birthday), why most daily horoscopes are wrong or very vague, and see what the stars have in store for you!

X962: Brooms Up: Intro to Quidditch
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Elizabeth Lohr

Come join Clark University's very own Quidditch team and learn about our sport! Inspired by the sport in the Harry Potter series, Muggle Quidditch was created 11 years ago and is played around the world. We will learn the rules of the game, do some drills, and then play a match in this hour-long workshop.

Quidditch is an all-weather sport that will be held outside. Please wear comfortable running shoes, weather-appropriate clothes you can run in, and bring water. We will provide all necessary equipment (including brooms!)

See you there!

X965: Clark Tour!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Nicole Minghella

This Class is specifically for students who are registering with Sharmese Gunn. If requested future Splashes may have more tour slots!

Must be registering with Sharmese Gunn