Clark University Educational Studies Program
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Welcome to Clark University SPLASH!

Our next Splash event will be on April 13th, 2025!

ESP Biography

ANDREW BROWN, Clark senior studying English and Creative Writing

Major: English

College/Employer: Clark

Year of Graduation: 2019

Picture of Andrew Brown

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

A974: Law and Order: Splash Victims Unit in Splash Spring 2019 (Mar. 31, 2019)
In this class, we will be focusing on a famous, long-running, crime drama t.v. show: Law and Order: SVU. The class will consist of short clips from the series. We will then analyze the show and their characters from both a writer and viewers' perspective to discuss character development and how this show relates to our life. *Previous knowledge of Law and Order: SVU will be helpful for this class

A937: Law and Order: Splash Victims Unit in Splash Fall 2018 (Nov. 04, 2018)
In this class, we will be focusing on a famous, long-running, crime drama t.v. show: Law and Order: SVU. The class will consist of short clips from the series. We will then analyze the show and their characters from both a writer and viewers' perspective to discuss character development and how this show relates to our life. *Previous knowledge of Law and Order: SVU will be helpful for this class

A913: Law and Order: Splash Victims Unit in Splash Spring 2018 (Apr. 08, 2018)
In this class, we will be focusing on a famous, long-running, crime drama t.v. show: Law and Order: SVU. The class will consist of short clips from the series. We will then analyze the show and their characters from both a writer and viewers' perspective to discuss character development and how this show relates to our life. *Previous knowledge of Law and Order: SVU will be helpful for this class

X853: Law and Order: Splash Victims Unit in Splash Fall 2017 (Nov. 19, 2017)
In this class, we will be focusing on a famous, long-running, crime drama t.v. show: Law and Order: SVU. The class will consist of short clips from the series. We will then analyze the show and their characters from both a writer and viewers' perspective to discuss character development and how this show relates to our life. *Previous knowledge of Law and Order: SVU will be helpful for this class

X778: Law and Order: Splash Victims Unit in Splash Spring 2017 (Apr. 02, 2017)
In this class, we will be focusing on a famous, long-running, crime drama t.v. show: Law and Order: SVU. The class will consist of short clips from the series. We will then analyze the show and their characters from both a writer and viewers' perspective to discuss character development and how this show relates to our life. *Previous knowledge of Law and Order: SVU will be helpful for this class

X701: Law and Order: Splash Victims Unit in Splash Fall 2016 (Nov. 13, 2016)
In this class, we will be focusing on a famous, long-running, crime drama t.v. show: Law and Order: SVU. The class will consist of short clips from the series. We will then analyze the show and their characters from both a writer and viewers' perspective to discuss character development and how this show relates to our life. *Previous knowledge of Law and Order: SVU will be helpful for this class

X600: Law and Order: Special Victims Unit (SVU) in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 10, 2016)
In this class, we will be focusing on a famous, long-running, crime drama t.v. show: Law and Order: SVU. The class will consist of short clips from the series. We will then analyze the show and their characters from both a writer and viewers' perspective to discuss character development and how this show relates to our life. * Previous knowledge of Law and Order: SVU will be helpful for students in this class

X558: Law and Order: Splash Victims Unit (SVU) in Splash Fall 2015 (Nov. 15, 2015)
In this class, we will be focusing on a famous, long-running, crime drama t.v. show: Law and Order: SVU. The class will consist of short clips from the series. We will then analyze the show from both a writer and viewers' perspective to discuss character development and how this show relates to our life.