Clark University Educational Studies Program
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Worcester, MA 01610

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Welcome to Clark University SPLASH!

Our next Splash event will be April 07, 2024!

ESP Biography

BRIAN NGUYEN, Clark first year studying CYES and English

Major: CYES & English

College/Employer: Clark

Year of Graduation: 2026

Picture of Brian Nguyen

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H1152: Lyric Poetry in Splash Spring 2024 (Apr. 07, 2024)
In this class, we'll be exploring the ways in which one genre of poetry, the lyric, operates and and what makes a poem a lyrical one. We'll do some activities, poetry reading, and perhaps some writing to do so! (No experience with poetry is required!)

s1126: Teach Me Something in Splash Fall 2023 (Nov. 12, 2023)
In this course, we will be holding a space for everyone to be teaching each other something that they can do, know about, or otherwise! This course is modeled after an exercise in the Hospitality field that practices comfortability in interacting with others in a productive manner!

X1149: Campus Tour (2) in Splash Fall 2023 (Nov. 12, 2023)
"Get an up-close look at our campus, from residence halls to the dining hall, classrooms to the athletic center. Learn about our curriculum and campus life — and get your questions answered." This tour will be led by Clark admissions ambassadors.

X1117: An Ethical Dilemma - Teamwork Building in Splash Spring 2023 (Apr. 02, 2023)
In this class, we will explore the process of working within a team through an ethical dilemma. This class will consist of introductions, the dilemma, and a reflection piece after. Feel welcome to join us!

s1092: How Do We Solve Problems in Splash Fall 2022 (Nov. 13, 2022)
In this class, we will discuss the process in solving problems, ideas that you will come up with, as well as a method that will be shown to you. We will also discuss habits related to good and bad problem-solving. In the end, the hope is that you walk out of this class with some new strategies on tackling problems in school, and in your day to day life.