Clark University Educational Studies Program
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Welcome to Clark University SPLASH!

Our next Splash event will be on April 13th, 2025!

ESP Biography

JONATHAN TONER, Cyber Security Analyst

Major: Not available.

College/Employer: Self-employed

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Jonathan Toner

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I'm a long-time IT professional and Cyber Security Analyst. I co-own a Cyber Security firm with clients in multiple states.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M596: Introduction to Cyber Security in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 10, 2016)
This is an introduction to Cyber Security. We'll cover some basic terms, discuss some high-profile cases and offer tips for protecting yourself.

X226: Introduction to the Stock Market in Splash Spring 2014 (Apr. 13, 2014)
Heard of the Stock Market, but unsure what it's all about? Curious how the stock market's performance impacts you every day? Find out why companies issue stock, what drives prices and some basic investing strategies. Following the lecture portion of this class, you'll buy and sell stocks in a fast-paced simulation to see who can generate the highest return on an initial $1,000,000 bankroll. Note: This course is designed for students with little to no background in the stock market.

X145: Introduction to the Stock Market in Splash Spring 2013 (Apr. 20, 2013)
Heard of the Stock Market, but unsure what it’s all about? Curious how the stock market’s performance impacts you every day? Find out why companies issue stock, what drives prices and some basic investing strategies. Following the lecture portion of this class, we’ll run an in-class computer simulation to see who can generate the highest return on an initial $1,000,000 bankroll. Note: This course is designed for students with little to no background in the stock market, so if you’re looking sexy new ways to calculate exposure to time-value decay with delta, theta, vega and gamma, this course is not for you!