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Welcome to Clark University SPLASH!

Our next Splash event will be on April 13th, 2025!

ESP Biography

GARGI BANDYOPADHYAY, Student At Clark University

Major: psychology

College/Employer: Clark

Year of Graduation: 2015

Picture of Gargi Bandyopadhyay

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I am a belly dancer who is self taught and very experimental. I major in studio art and psychology. I love teaching people and seeing their bright smiles as they learn that they are more in touch with their mind-body ora than they think.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

A287: Tribal Fusion Belly Dance in Splash Spring 2014 (Apr. 13, 2014)
I will be teaching the basics of Belly Dance movements. I will also give explain how the music invokes the Dancer to inspire a reaction. Please wear something comfortable and bring a long scarf. Boys, please don't think this is just for ladies. If you would like to see the type of dance that I practice, Youtube the dancers Illan Riviere and Rachel Brice. I cannot wait to see all of you!!

A178: Tribal Fusion Belly Dance in Splash Fall 2013 (Nov. 16, 2013)
This class will be focusing on the technique required for fluid movement of the body which is usually used for "on the fly" tribal fusion. Tribal Fusion is slower and requires more muscle strength than other types.