Clark University Educational Studies Program
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Welcome to Clark University SPLASH!

Our next Splash event will be on April 13th, 2025!

ESP Biography

TOMAS APONTE, Education Director BGC Worcester

Major: IDSC

College/Employer: Clark

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Tomas Aponte

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Tomas Aponte graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a Bachelor of Arts in Secondary English Education and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance. While working at University of Massachusetts Amherst, Tomas gained experience working with UMass Career Services as a Peer Advisor. During his undergraduate career he worked as a Resident Assistant, Camp Counselor, and Dance Teacher/ Choreographer. This is Tomas' second year with the Boys & Girls Club of Worcester and he is currently continuing his education at Clark University. Tomas has been dancing for 13+ years and has trained in Ballet, Jazz, Hip-hop, Contemporary, Modern, Lyrical, and Musical Theater. He is a graduate of the Burncoat Dance Department at Burncoat Senior High School.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H655: Hip-Hop w/ Tom in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 10, 2016)
This dance class is open to anyone who has an interest and passion for dance. Whether you are a beginner, or an advanced dancer, you will walk away with something new and insightful after this class. The class will consist of a short warm-up/ stretch, and the remainder of the class will be used to learn some choreography taught by the instructor. Please come to the class in the appropriate attire, with a positive attitude, and ready to dance and have a good time!

H656: Hip-Hop w/ Tom in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 10, 2016)
This dance class is open to anyone who has an interest and passion for dance. Whether you are a beginner, or an advanced dancer, you will walk away with something new and insightful after this class. The class will consist of a short warm-up/ stretch, and the remainder of the class will be used to learn some choreography taught by the instructor. Please come to the class in the appropriate attire, with a positive attitude, and ready to dance and have a good time!