Clark University Educational Studies Program
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Welcome to Clark University SPLASH!

Our next Splash event will be on April 13th, 2025!

ESP Biography


Major: History

College/Employer: Clark

Year of Graduation: 2015

Picture of Shannon Donnellan

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H61: Thomas Edison: Lies & Lightbulbs in Splash Fall 12 (Nov. 10, 2012)
This class will teach you the darker side of Thomas Edison.

H64: North vs. South in Splash Fall 12 (Nov. 10, 2012)
History of the sectional tensions preceding and going through the Civil War.

A65: OH NOOOO!!! Evolution of the Horror Movie. in Splash Fall 12 (Nov. 10, 2012)
Evvolution of the horror movie.

H66: Fun with Presidents in Splash Fall 12 (Nov. 10, 2012)
Presidential fun facts and learn how to say all the presidents in 9 seconds.